Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Avs Better Halves Brunch

Every year the Colorado Avalanche teams up with Children's Hospital and the Kroenke Sports to do a charity brunch to benefit Children's Hospital. The Avalanche players serve the brunch and their wives/girlfriends come to help with auction items and what not. They also have a fashion show at the end of the event which the Avalanche players escort a patient of Children's hospital down the isle. They pick a group of kids that have spent a good amount of time at Children's and they do a varity of all different health issues. 

This year Ethan was choosen to be one of those kids.  It was such an amazing event. Both Kevin and I were very excited to meet the players, also very excited to see Ethan on the runway getting recognized for his strength and everything he has been through.

The morning started at 9 am where we were able to sit and eat brunch with some of the other families. We met so many brave children that have been through more than anyone should ever. We got to speak with the parents of these kids and got hear about their journeys. Although these parents have been lead down a different path then us there is still a connection you feel to them. You know that these parent like us weren't prepared for the challenges, and at time have been sad, mad and woren out. I also noticed the pride all these parents felt for their kids, and how proud they were of them.

I started talking to one of the dad's that had a teenage boy, and as we were talking he said " his whole life I have been waiting for the day he comes home crying because someone made fun of him" I couldn't beleive he just mentioned the exact issue that keeps me awake at night, but then he finshed saying " but it never happened. Our kids are so much stronger than we give them credit for. I don't doubt it doesn't happen, but he just doesn't let it get to him, he has been through so much he is stronger than most" This is a conversation that I will remember for a lifetime.... I have truly worried about Ethan going to school and getting made fun of since the second we got the diagnoses. He taught me not to waste the good years on something that may never happen, and to recongnize the strength in Eth.

After chatting with the other "models" and their parents we were introduced to the Avs players and coaches. Each kid got asigned a player. Ethan's player was Chuck Kobasew #17. He was so nice and so good with Ethan. Being the little flirt that he is Ethan really liked his wife. Chuck and his wife took Ethan around and introduced  Ethan, Kev and I to all the players. We got all the players signed players cards, and Ethan got a stuff Bernie autographed by the team. It was so surreal to have these professional althletes take the time out of their lives to come to this event to not only raise money for Children's Hospital but to give your child a special day. Ethan being so young may not of know how special that day was but the older kids will remember that day for life.

Once we did the meet and greet we went up stairs for the fashion show. This is when is got panicked. We had to leave Ethan behind with his player and wait to see him walk the runway. Lucky for me two of my sistes work at Kroenke and were volunteering that day, so Ethan always had a fimilar face around. Once Kevin and I entered the room with 500 plus people waiting for the fashion show we started getting nervous. The first kid came out, and lights and music and 500 people clapping started..... I was so scared when it was Ethan's turn he was going to be over stimulated and freak out. Not only is this the first time we have ever left him with a strange person he has never met and actually walked away, but he would be in front of all those lights, music and people soon.

Lucky for us Ethan was paired up with Chuck ( like I said before) and he has a 18month old and 3 year old, so he was so good with Ethan and making sure he was comfortable. When it was Ethan's turn I felt so nervous. Tom Green started reading Ethan's introductions, and of course I was already crying because I cried through the whole thing, I started crying harder.  Once they introduced  them and they walked out I was so proud, he did such an awesome job. Spongebob Square pants was his song he walked out to. He started waving to everyone, and then clapped down the whole runway with the crowd. He was such a crowd pleaser.

At the end of the fashion show Tom Green did a speech about how so many kids look up to these athletes but today they were recognizing the true heros.... and I would have to agree. Every kid that walked that runway made me cry, they were all amazing kids with amazing hearts. This will be a day I never forget.

If you want watch the fashion show Ethan comes on at 10:52 of the below video

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