In this past year that I have slacked with my blog Ethan has had a lot going on. He has many new accomplishments as wells as some new struggles. ( which will come in a later blog)
Lets start with the UGLY- When I think of the ugly of Prader Willi the first thing that comes to my mind is the doctors appts. The blood draws, sleep studies, EEGs, surgeries, all the stuff that brings fear or pain to my child. It is a hard age right now because Ethan is now smarter enough to know we are at the doctors before we even walk in the door. His fear of the doctors has become so bad that he will literally cry from the parking lot until we go home.
The UGLY is people not understanding, looking at you like you are a terrible mother because your kid is throwing a fit at a well visit when the doctor is taking his weight and height, because they don't understand that your child has every right to be scared. That they have been through more than most.
The UGLY is when the bank teller gives your kid a sucker every time we go to the bank not realizing that he can't have sugar and then he has a breakdown when you tell him no.
The UGLY is everyone sitting around enjoying birthday cake while your child cries because he can't have any. Or telling your child no when he asks for food, way more often then you can tell him yes.
The UGLY is Collin Brewer saying " kids with disabilities should be put down" or people using the R word around my child.
The UGLY is having your heart break at birthday parties while your child plays by himself because he can't keep up while all the other kids play together.
The UGLY is seeing numerous posts of people with Prader Willi passing away way to young. Or having that constant fear that maybe you aren't doing everything you can to make your kids life better/easier.
As many of you know there are many more UGLY sides to Prader Willi and there is no warning when it will rear it's ugly head into your day. I think for us the UGLIEST is yet to come. The thought that one day Ethan will constantly be hungry and we will have to tell our child he can't eat is the UGLIEST of them all .
The BAD kinda goes along with the UGLY, but in my opinion here are the bad.
The BAD - insurance companies---- I hate them
The BAD is how hard Ethan has to work every single day. Physical, Occupational, Behavioral, and Speech therapy consumes a lot of time, that Ethan doesn't get to be just a kid.
The BAD you have spend time planning meals. There is no more grabbing something while you run out the door to eat. You have to pay attention to calories, sugars and fats more than you ever thought you would.
The BAD- the pressure as a parent that you put on yourself. Do you mainstream him or put him in special needs schools? .... do you drop one therapy for the other therapy?....... do you do the surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids with there being a chance it doesn't help?...... so many decisions.
The BAD- the heartbreak. The heartbreak you feel when he is being held down by three nurse to give blood and he is looking at you for help, the heartbreak you feel when he get frustrated because he tries so hard to get the words out but just can't do it.The heartbreak you feel when you notice how far your child is behind. The heartbreak that comes along with all the UGLIES above.
The BAD- awareness. Although we as a PWS community have come so far from 10 years ago, there is still a lack of awareness and research for PWS.
The BAD- Finding doctors that know what they are talking about are few and far between. Also when doctors won't hear your opinion.....sometime you just want to say " Yes you studied and you have done some research, but we live with it everyday. I know my kid better than you."
The BAD- well I could go on and here is a list so i can get onto my favorite.... the GOOD. behavioral issues, OCD, speech delays, low muscle tone, temperature control, sensory issues, balance, hypothyroid, sleep apnea, anxiety, mental delays, cognitive delays, motor skill delays... so on and so on... I am ready for some GOOD.
The GOOD- I truly have the most loving child I have ever met. He has a huge heart and loves to cuddle.
The GOOD- Ethan enjoys the simple things. Give that kid a string or belt and he will keep himself busy for hours. He doesn't need the fancy toys.
The GOOD- the best personality. He is a joker, and loves to laugh.
The GOOD- I watch him melt hearts all around him. I see people fall in love with Ethan and his story. People are proud of him for how far he has come. People are inspired by him.
The GOOD- You don't take the small successes for granted. We celebrate more, because we celebrate the milestones that are small to others, but are huge to us.
The GOOD- it is humbling. I know it has made both Kevin and I better people. It has opened my eyes to what is important and what is worth complaining about. I appreciate things I never did before.
The GOOD- a different kind of love. Although we give him tough love with food, I feel there is a different type of love between a parent with a special needs child., ( not taking anything away from other parents). it's just different. Your child needs you more than a typical kids, he depends on you to be his voice and his advocate, and he trusts you 100%. He expects you to be his best friend at that birthday party when all the other kids are playing together. He looks at you to understand what he is trying to say when others can't. You know what it takes to calm him down when the behavioral meltdown comes out. You know with his OCD exactly how he likes to hang his strings and belts and you don't question it. You know his routine, and stand by him because you understand he can't help it.
Once again i could go on and on about the GOOD.... but I will stop now.
I will finish by saying the BEST thing about PWS is it has given me Ethan Mac just the way he is. I know without PWS we wouldn't have to deal with all the UGLY and the BAD, but I can't imagine not having all those GOODS I look forward to every day .
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